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Onboarding fast with a new 3PL pre-peak season

Aug 28, 2024 - Alyssa Wolfe
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Onboarding fast with a new 3PL pre-peak season |


The countdown to peak season is ticking, and for many brands, it's a race against time to ensure everything is in place for the busiest time of the year. Onboarding a new 3PL (third-party logistics) provider just before this critical period might seem daunting, but it might be a necessity. A retailer may need to change 3PLs to address evolving business needs, such as scaling operations, enhancing delivery speed or integrating more advanced technology. Switching 3PLs can also resolve issues like inconsistent service, limited geographic reach or the inability to handle increased order volumes during peak seasons.

The benefits of a smooth, swift transition can’t be overstated. Fast onboarding means you can hit the ground running, avoiding the common pitfalls that plague late starters. Imagine the chaos of delayed shipments, out-of-stock items or worse – disgruntled customers due to fulfillment errors. These are not just minor hiccups; they can have a ripple effect, jeopardizing your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. For instance, a brand with the wrong 3PL or switching to one without a streamlined onboarding process could face shipment backlogs just as holiday orders surge.

The stakes are high, but with the right approach, the onboarding process can be smooth and fast, ensuring that your operations are optimized well before the first Black Friday order hits your system. Time is of the essence, and in this blog, we’ll explore how to onboard a new 3PL quickly and efficiently, minimizing risks and setting your business up for peak season success.

Start with clear onboarding goals

Setting clear goals when onboarding with a new 3PL ensures a smooth transition and minimizes disruptions. Without well-defined milestones and success metrics, it’s easy for critical tasks to fall through the cracks, leading to delays and errors. Establishing these goals upfront provides a roadmap for both your team and the 3PL, aligning everyone and keeping them focused on what matters most.

It’s critical to map out key milestones for a smooth and timely transition when onboarding to a new 3PL before peak season. The first significant milestone is signing the contract, which should be completed as early as possible. This sets the foundation for all subsequent activities and allows both parties to align on expectations. Once the contract is in place, the next step is getting ready for inventory transfer and integrating technology. It’s crucial to connect your order management systems (or onboard with the 3PL’s), inventory databases and shipping platforms with the 3PL’s systems. When selecting a 3PL, assess their technology and integrations, ensuring they’re robust, or you could face order processing delays.

Preparing your SKUs for shipment is often a time-consuming part of onboarding, taking anywhere from days to weeks. However, this process provides an opportunity to streamline your inventory by removing slow-moving items, reducing unnecessary costs. Using an ABC methodology ensures that your most popular items are prioritized, helping maintain availability during the transition. Working closely with your new 3PL is crucial to ensure proper labeling, packing and palletization according to their inbound requirements. A cooperative outgoing 3PL can significantly ease the transition, making it more efficient and cost-effective for both you and your new logistics partner.

The final milestone is executing the first shipment (after several test orders). This is where all the planning comes to fruition, and it’s a real-world test of how well the onboarding process has been managed. A successful first shipment signals you’re ready for the peak season influx.

To gauge the effectiveness of your onboarding process, defining success metrics from the outset is key:

  • Speed to market is a critical KPI, particularly during peak season when delays can lead to lost sales.
  • Order accuracy is another vital metric; errors can lead to costly returns and dissatisfied customers.
  • Finally, customer satisfaction should be monitored closely, as it directly impacts your brand’s reputation and long-term success.

Focusing on these milestones and metrics ensures that your new 3PL partnership starts strong and sets you up for a successful peak season. logo, woman opening boxed package, packages at doorstep

Selecting the right 3PL for quick onboarding

When selecting a 3PL for a pre-peak season transition, prioritize a fast onboarding experience. A 3PL with a proven track record of successful, quick transitions can significantly reduce the risk of delays and errors. For example, a retailer switching to a 3PL that has consistently onboarded clients within a month is likely to experience fewer disruptions. Moreover, they typically have a large team ready to support a smooth, swift transition.

Technical compatibility is also critical. The 3PL’s systems must integrate with your existing retail tech stack or migrate if you intend to use their OMS, WMS or TMS. A seamless integration ensures real-time data flow, minimizes manual intervention and reduces the chances of inventory discrepancies.

Streamlining the onboarding process

A dedicated onboarding team is crucial for managing the complexities of transitioning to a new 3PL. This cross-functional team should include members from your company and the 3PL, ensuring that all aspects of the process are covered, from technology integration to operational logistics. For example, having IT specialists from the brand and the 3PL collaborate can prevent technical roadblocks that might otherwise slow down the onboarding process. Efficient data migration is another critical factor. This helps inventory, orders and customer information transfer accurately and swiftly and minimizes downtime. Errors or delays in data migration can result in significant setbacks, particularly during the pre-peak season, when every minute counts.

Testing and piloting

Before fully launching with your new 3PL, conduct soft launches. They can provide valuable insights into how the partnership will function under pressure. These small-scale pilots allow you to test the efficiency and accuracy of the 3PL’s processes, identifying potential issues before they escalate. For instance, a soft launch might reveal a bottleneck in order processing, giving you time to address it before the full-scale operation begins. Having a troubleshooting plan in place is equally important, as it enables quick resolution of any issues that arise during this critical testing phase.

Effective communication during onboarding

Clear and consistent communication facilitates a successful onboarding process. Establish a communication plan with regular updates and check-ins between your team and the 3PL. This helps keep everyone aligned and informed. Weekly meetings can provide a platform to discuss progress, address concerns and make necessary adjustments. Create a feedback loop as well, allowing for immediate feedback and real-time adjustments throughout the onboarding process. This proactive approach identifies and resolves issues quickly, keeping the onboarding process on track.

Post-onboarding evaluation

Once the peak season concludes, it’s time to evaluate the success of the onboarding process. Review performance metrics against the predefined success metrics, such as speed to market, order accuracy and customer satisfaction. A review provides a clear picture of how well the 3PL partnership performed. Identifying areas for improvement is also crucial. You can reveal opportunities to refine and enhance future transitions by analyzing the onboarding process. This reflective step helps solidify a strong foundation for long-term success with your 3PL provider.

Onboard now with

Fast and effective onboarding is crucial as peak season approaches, ensuring that your logistics operations are primed for success. While it might be tempting to delay, transitioning now can elevate your fulfillment operations from adequate to exceptional.’s proven track record of onboarding with efficiency and precision means you’ll experience a seamless integration with your existing systems, real-time visibility into your operations and swift inventory setup. With’s proprietary system and extensive network, your orders will be fulfilled quickly and accurately, even during the busiest times. Ready for a smooth 3PL transition? Onboard with today and keep your business ahead of the curve. See our 2024 onboarding stats below. commerce client onboarding stats for 2024, customer testimonials, steps outlining what to expect when you onboard