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Straight to Cart with Amazon Canonical URLs (Part 2)

Jun 14, 2023 - Ryan Schumacher
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Add Products Directly to Shoppers' Carts with One-Click URLs

Welcome back, Amazon sellers! In part one, we uncovered the significance of Canonical URLs and their symbiotic relationship with SEO, focusing on the power of keywords. Today, we're going to explore another powerful feature of Canonical URLs – the add-to-cart function.

The Straight to the Cart Magic

Here comes the fun part. Canonical URLs can work like a teleportation device, transporting customers directly to the 'add to cart' page of your product. It's like providing a VIP express lane from casual browsing to committed buying. This smoother, faster shopping experience could potentially lead to a significant surge in your sales.

Practical Application: Add-to-Cart URL

Here's an example. Given the ASIN 'B07NQ2MBSW', which corresponds to a Samsung Galaxy S10 Screen Protector, you could create a URL like this:

Customers clicking this URL would find themselves one step closer to checkout, with the product conveniently pre-added to their shopping cart. It's an effortless experience that can help transform casual browsers into committed buyers.

As with the Canonical URL Builder, you can try it out now with our simple and free Amazon URL Builder in's Brand Console! 

I Have the URL, Now What?

Got your 'add to cart' URL ready? It's like your golden ticket, and it's time to send it out. Place it in your promotional emails or targeted ads, simplifying the journey from interest to purchase for potential customers. It's like opening a VIP express lane straight into their shopping carts.

Next Stop: Driving Sales with Bundling and Search Canonical URLs

In the next part of this series, we'll show you how Canonical URLs can bundle products together, generate targeted search results, and ultimately offer even more ways to boost your sales on Amazon.