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Mastering marketplaces: How to build brand success on Amazon, Walmart and more

May 27, 2024 - Alyssa Wolfe
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How to build brand success on ecommerce marketplaces |

Marketplaces have become a primary sales channel for retailers. Platforms like Amazon Marketplace and Walmart Marketplace place sellers in front of millions of shoppers. Because ecommerce marketplaces provide unparalleled reach and access to a global customer base and allow brands to scale quickly, they require a unique brand strategy. They necessitate optimized listings and strategic use of advertising to stand out in a crowded marketplace. There is also a need to focus on the customer experience and rapid ecommerce fulfillment to maintain competitive advantage and build brand loyalty.

Marketplace success depends on your strategy, which requires robust planning to build brand success.  With a growing number of choices and ample competition, choosing the right platforms for your brand and investing in getting established is essential. To help you develop an approach, we’ll provide insights and actionable tips for gaining traction and boosting success on major marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart and others. 

Choosing the right marketplaces

The top ecommerce marketplaces include Amazon, Walmart, Etsy and eBay. However, sellers also use AliExpress, Wayfair, Rakuten and Mercado Libre. Each has different pros and cons, strengths, business models and appeals to varying audiences. For example, Amazon, Walmart and eBay each offer distinct features:


  • Product Range: Offers a vast array of products across virtually every category.
  • Fulfillment: Known for its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program, which handles storage, packaging, and shipping.
  • Seller Support: Provides robust tools for sellers, including advertising options and detailed analytics.
  • Customer Base: Large, loyal customer base with a strong preference for Prime benefits.


  • Product Range: Broad product categories, similar to Amazon, but more focused on household essentials and groceries.
  • Fulfillment: Offers Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) for storage and shipping, akin to Amazon's FBA.
  • Seller Support: Increasing investment in seller tools and advertising, though still less developed than Amazon.
  • Customer Base: Appeals to value-oriented shoppers, with a strong physical store presence that drives online traffic.


  • Product Range: Wide range of new and used items, known for auctions and collectibles.
  • Fulfillment: Sellers handle their own fulfillment, although eBay offers some shipping solutions.
  • Seller Support: Provides tools for listing optimization but less focus on fulfillment and advertising compared to Amazon.
  • Customer Base: Attracts bargain hunters and collectors, with a community-oriented shopping experience.

How to evaluate marketplaces for your brand

Evaluating whether a platform aligns with your business goals and operational capabilities is crucial. Considerations include:

Assessing product-market fit

  • Analyze the marketplace's user demographics and buying behavior to see if they align with your target audience. Check if your product categories are popular and have high sales volume on the platform.
  • Research the presence of similar products and competitors on the marketplace. Determine how saturated the market is and identify any gaps or opportunities for differentiation.
  • Examine customer reviews and feedback on similar products to understand the expectations and satisfaction levels of the marketplace's users.

Considering fees, fulfillment options and policies

  • Evaluate the marketplace's fee structure, including listing fees, transaction fees and subscription costs. Compare these costs to your expected margins to ensure profitability.
  • Assess the available fulfillment options, such as Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS). Determine if using the marketplace's fulfillment services will improve logistics efficiency, delivery times and customer satisfaction.
  • Consider the costs and requirements associated with shipping and handling. Determine if the marketplace offers shipping discounts or partnerships with carriers that can reduce your costs.
  • Review the marketplace's policies regarding returns, refunds and seller performance. Ensure that these policies align with your operational capabilities and customer service standards.
  • Look into the level of support and resources provided by the marketplace, such as seller training, advertising tools and customer service. Robust support can improve your success on the platform.
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Steps to evaluate ecommerce marketplaces

  1. Identify target marketplaces: Make a list of potential marketplaces where you want to sell your products.
  2. Conduct market research: Use tools like marketplace search functions, third-party analytics and market reports to gather data on market demand and competition.
  3. Calculate costs: Prepare a detailed cost analysis including all fees, fulfillment expenses and marketing costs.
  4. Test the waters: Consider a pilot launch on a few marketplaces to gather initial data on sales performance and customer feedback.
  5. Analyze results: Review the sales data, costs and customer feedback from the pilot to make informed decisions about long-term marketplace strategy.

Evaluation can help you select the ecommerce marketplaces that best align with your brand's strengths and growth objectives, ensuring a successful expansion into new online sales channels. Another option is to invest in marketplaces services and rely on an expert team to optimize your marketplaces presence, gain visibility and convert. Working with strategic partners allows you to focus on your core business while they handle the complexities of a unique sales channel. Outsource all or just some of your marketplace management needs. When managing marketplaces in-house, you’ll need to focus on several areas.

Getting started on Amazon, Walmart and other marketplaces

Each marketplace has a different onboarding process. Although in many cases you’ll enter your business information and, in some cases, go through an application process. Once you’re onboarded, you’ll want to go through the following steps:

Optimize product listings

Optimizing ecommerce marketplace listings is crucial for maximizing visibility and conversions. Create quality content like high-quality images and detailed descriptions. High-resolution photos from multiple angles give shoppers confidence in their purchase, while thorough descriptions ensure customers understand the product’s features and benefits. Crafting SEO-friendly titles and bullet points improves search rankings. Include relevant keywords naturally to boost discoverability.

You can also utilize enhanced content to boost your listings. For example, Amazon’s A+ Content and Walmart’s Rich Media allow you to add more detailed product descriptions, images and videos. This not only elevates the visual appeal but also provides more information, helping to convert undecided shoppers. Effective storytelling and branding within product pages can create a connection with customers, emphasizing the unique selling points and values of your brand. This approach improves the shopping experience while also building brand loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.

Brand and differentiate your product(s)

Building a consistent brand identity is critical for success on ecommerce marketplaces, especially larger ones such as Amazon Marketplace and Walmart Marketplace. Establishing brand consistency across multiple platforms reinforces brand recognition and trust. Maintain brand voice using the same logo, color schemes and tone in your product descriptions and images across all listings.

You can also leverage brand registry programs to gain advantages. Amazon Brand Registry and Walmart Brand Portal offer enhanced content capabilities, protection against counterfeit products and access to advanced marketing tools. To enroll, brands typically need to have a registered trademark. Use their tools to improve your listings and protect your brand integrity to maximize these programs.

Creating and optimizing a brand storefront on platforms like Amazon and Walmart also allows for a customized shopping experience to showcase your products' full range. Use the platform's tools to create a visually appealing layout that aligns with your brand identity. Best practices for design and navigation include intuitive category organization, high-quality visuals and consistent branding elements to provide a seamless and engaging customer experience.

Advertise and promote

Knowing your ecommerce marketplace advertising options is key to maximizing your brand's visibility. Ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart offer various ad formats, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Display Ads. Each format serves different purposes, from boosting product listings to enhancing brand awareness.

Conduct strategic planning and execution to develop effective ad campaigns. Start by setting clear objectives, whether it's increasing sales, driving traffic or building brand recognition. Utilize keyword research and targeting options to ensure your ads reach the right audience. Continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns based on performance metrics to achieve the best results.

Set goals and a budget

Setting goals and a budgeting for your ecommerce marketplace efforts begins with identifying clear objectives, such as increasing sales, improving visibility or expanding market share. Conducting keyword research and implementing targeted strategies are crucial to ensure your products reach the right audience. Allocate your budget based on your goals and prioritize high-impact areas like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands for increased visibility. Run promotions and deals, such as Lightning Deals and Coupons, so you can attract more customers and boost sales. These promotional tools should be strategically timed to coincide with peak shopping periods or new product launches. Measure the impact of these promotions on your sales and visibility using marketplace analytics tools. Analyze key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates and return on investment (ROI) to adjust your strategies accordingly. Consistently refining your approach based on data will help optimize your budget allocation and achieve your e-commerce goals effectively.

Monitor and improve performance

Monitoring and improving performance on ecommerce marketplaces means leveraging analytics and reporting tools to gain insights into key metrics. Tools like Amazon Seller Central and Walmart Seller Center offer comprehensive dashboards for tracking sales, traffic and conversion rates. Conduct A/B testing for listings and ads to determine what works best, experimenting with different titles, images and descriptions to optimize performance. Regularly update your content based on performance data to maintain high engagement and conversion rates. Ensure adherence to marketplace rules to avoid penalties, as non-compliance can lead to account suspension or listing removal. You can avoid common compliance issues by staying up to date on policy changes, accurately describing products and maintaining inventory levels.

Encourage positive reviews to boost your marketplace reputation; consider follow-up emails requesting feedback or offering incentives for honest reviews. Handle negative feedback constructively by addressing customer concerns promptly and offering solutions, which can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal ones. Most importantly, regularly monitor review metrics to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Implementing these strategies helps maintain a competitive edge, ensuring your marketplace efforts yield maximum returns. Continuous performance monitoring, combined with proactive content management and compliance, can generate sustainable growth. for your ecommerce marketplace needs

Maximize your brand's potential with our expert marketplace management services. We can help you optimize listings, run effective ad campaigns, create compelling content and ensure compliance across major ecommerce platforms like Amazon and Walmart. Let us handle the complexities of marketplace management so you can focus on growing your business. Contact our team today to take your ecommerce success to the next level.

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