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Optimizing content for marketplace discoverability and conversion

May 21, 2024 - Alyssa Wolfe
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Optimizing content for marketplace discoverability |


In 2023, Amazon Marketplace had 1.9 million sellers, with as many as 548 new sellers per day. And while Walmart Marketplace only reached over 100,000 active sellers in 2023, the platform continues to experience rapid growth. As brands continue to diversify channels, strategy becomes essential amid the increasing ecommerce marketplace competition. One way sellers can differentiate and stand out from the crowd is through optimized content.

Optimized marketplace content boosts discoverability, improving visibility and attracting more potential customers. It ensures that products appear in relevant search results, making it easier for shoppers to find them. Customers who experience high-quality images and detailed, accurate product information are more likely to convert. Moreover, retailers can more successfully generate credibility and appeal, building trust in their brand.

Marketplace content spans everything from copy and images to videos, manuals and more. Optimization is about making it SEO-rich and on-target. Like any marketing campaign or strategy, your content should engage, inform, provide value and relevant information, capture interest and drive action.

Steps for optimizing your ecommerce marketplace content

With the amount of product listings, information and products available today, content is an excellent way to cut through the noise. However, it isn’t just throwing together some words and pictures but developing an in-depth strategy based on data, research and competitors. Here are the steps to optimize your Amazon, Walmart and other ecommerce marketplace content:

1. Conduct keyword research

Keywords serve a beneficial purpose for brands looking to improve visibility and appeal on ecommerce marketplaces. Not only can you rank higher in searches, making it easier for customers to find your products ahead of competitors, but it can also lead to higher engagement. When you understand the language and preferences of your targeted audience, you can tailor your listings to meet their specific needs. To conduct keyword research:

  • Identify relevant keywords: Determine keywords and phrases that potential customers use when searching for products similar to yours. This can be done by brainstorming common terms and phrases, analyzing competitor listings and using customer feedback for insights.
  • Use keyword research tools: Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs or marketplace-specific tools such as Amazon's Keyword Tool or Etsy’s search analytics. These tools provide data on search volume, competition and keyword variations.
  • Analyze competitor listings: Examine top-selling competitor listings to see which keywords they are using in their titles, descriptions and backend fields. This can give you an idea of what is working in the market.
  • Leverage auto-suggestions: Use the search bar auto-suggestions on the marketplace to discover popular search terms. Start typing a keyword and note the suggested completions as they are often based on users’ common searches.
  • Incorporate long-tail keywords: Identify and incorporate long-tail keywords (more specific phrases) that may have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates. These are typically less competitive and more targeted to specific customer needs.
  • Monitor and refine: Regularly monitor the performance of your chosen keywords using analytics tools. Refine your keyword strategy based on which terms drive the most traffic and conversions.

2. Craft compelling titles

Craft compelling ecommerce marketplace titles by making them clear, concise and keyword-rich titles that accurately describe your product. Include primary keywords towards the beginning of the title for better visibility in search results. Make sure to highlight key product features, such as size, color or model, to attract the right audience. Avoid using unnecessary words or filler content that can dilute the impact of your title. Finally, ensure your title is readable and flows naturally, making it more appealing to potential buyers and improving overall user experience. To illustrate how to approach title creation, you could list "Amazing Coffee Maker with Multiple Features," which is vague. But a better title would be "Programmable Coffee Maker - 12-Cup Capacity, Built-In Grinder, Stainless Steel."

3. Write detailed descriptions

Generate thorough and engaging content that highlights the product's essential features, benefits and uses. Make sure to incorporate secondary keywords naturally throughout the text to improve search visibility. Use bullet points or short paragraphs to organize information clearly and make it easy for customers to scan. Highlight unique selling points and address potential customer concerns or questions to build confidence in your product. Conclude with a strong call to action that encourages customers to purchase. A strong description would look something like this:

Product Title: Programmable Coffee Maker - 12-Cup Capacity, Built-In Grinder, Stainless Steel

Product Description: Start your day with the perfect cup of coffee using our Programmable Coffee Maker, designed for coffee enthusiasts who demand quality and convenience. This sleek and durable stainless steel coffee maker features a 12-cup capacity, allowing you to brew enough coffee for the whole family or an office gathering. With a built-in grinder, you can enjoy the freshest coffee by grinding your beans just before brewing. The programmable settings enable you to set your brewing time in advance so you can wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Additional features include a pause-and-serve function, auto shut-off for safety and an easy-to-clean design. Ideal for busy mornings, our coffee maker creates a delicious and hassle-free coffee experience every time.

Key Features:

  • 12-cup capacity for large batches
  • Built-in grinder for fresh coffee grounds
  • Programmable settings for timed brewing
  • Stainless steel construction for durability and style
  • Pause-and-serve function and auto shut-off for convenience and safety

Upgrade your morning routine with our Programmable Coffee Maker and enjoy barista-quality coffee at home!

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4. Use high-quality images

Create high-resolution photos that showcase the product from multiple angles. Ensure the images are clear, well-lit and accurately represent the product's color, size and details. Use a plain, neutral background to keep the focus on the product and avoid any distractions. Include close-up shots of key features and textures to highlight the product's quality and craftsmanship. Adding lifestyle images to show the product in use helps customers visualize how it fits into their daily lives.

In addition to product images, you can use infographics to highlight key features and benefits in a visually appealing way. Comparison charts can effectively demonstrate how your product stands out against competitors. In addition, including step-by-step assembly or usage diagrams can enhance customer understanding and satisfaction. Retailers can also use customer testimonial images or before-and-after photos to build trust and credibility around the product.

5. Include customer reviews

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. Reviews build trust and provide social proof, which can increase conversion rates. Highlight positive reviews in your product descriptions or images to reassure potential buyers of the product's quality and reliability. Respond to positive and negative reviews to show that you value customer feedback and are committed to continuous improvement. This engagement can also boost customer loyalty and repeat business.

6. Utilize backend keywords

Fill out backend search terms or hidden keywords fields provided by the marketplace. These help improve discoverability without cluttering the visible content. Research and include relevant keywords that potential customers might use to search for products like yours. Regularly update these keywords based on search trends and performance data. This strategy ensures your product remains visible to a wider audience and keeps up with changing market dynamics.

7. Add rich media

Incorporate videos or 360-degree views to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the product. Rich media can increase engagement by offering a dynamic, interactive shopping experience. Use videos to demonstrate product features, benefits and how-to guides. High-quality, interactive content helps customers make informed purchasing decisions and reduces the likelihood of returns. Make sure that all your media is optimized for fast loading times to enhance the user experience.

8. Monitor and adjust your content

Regularly review analytics and performance data to see how well your content performs. Adjust based on what is working and what is not. Use metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates and customer feedback to guide your updates. Stay up to date about marketplace algorithm changes and adjust your strategies accordingly. This proactive approach helps maintain high visibility and competitiveness in the marketplace.

Optimizing your ecommerce marketplace content

Optimized ecommerce marketplace content increases a seller's visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find their products through relevant search results. It improves the appeal and credibility of a brand’s products by providing clear, detailed descriptions and high-quality images, encouraging customers to make a purchase. This, in turn, boosts conversion rates, turning more visitors into buyers. Optimizing content can help build customer trust and loyalty, driving repeat business and long-term success. If you’re looking for help with marketplace content optimization, Amazon or Walmart marketplace management or creating a dynamic and measurable growth marketing strategy, contact our team at today.

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