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Holiday Planning All Wrapped Up

Nov 10, 2023 - Megan Dituri
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It's the most wonderful, yet busiest, time of the year. Which is exactly why we created our growth marketing holiday series to make planning easierThis series breaks down simple steps and checklists to help ensure a successful holiday shopping season for your brand in 2023 and beyond 

Why is it important to be prepared this year? 

Cart_Oct23_HolidayBlog10_StatPer eMarketer's predictions, the upcoming 2023 holiday season is expected to see a 4.5% increase in sales, reaching $1.3 trillion (about $4,000 per person in the US). Ecommerce is anticipated to hit almost 20% of those sales and contribute 48.5% of incremental spending gains.  Here’s what you can do to prepare. 

Get Your Site Ready Now! 

If your site isn’t ready for the holiday shoppers, follow these merchandising and UX/UI steps to help ensure a successful holiday season for your brand.  

Plan Your Promos 

This is the foundation that influences your media plan and creative needs. Our 4 steps to successful promo planning takes the guess work out and gives you a solid foundation with key dates to build off of.  

Optimize Your Media Platforms  

Review and implement our channel checklists for SEO, paid search, paid social, display, affiliate and marketplaces. Following these checklists will not only get your platforms ready for the holidays, but will also ensure all best practices are applied to increase conversion rates.  

We know holiday planning isn’t always easy if you are struggling to get your brand where it needs to be. Luckily, can help. 

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