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How to optimize your Amazon Marketplace product listings for BFCM

Aug 14, 2024 - Alyssa Wolfe
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How to optimize Amazon Marketplace product listings for BFCM |


Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) have become critical peak shopping periods for retail brands, with 2023 setting new records as U.S. shoppers spent an all-time high of $9.8 billion on Black Friday and $12.4 billion on Cyber Monday. Even with Amazon kicking off its holiday season early with Prime Day in October, the ecommerce giant still experienced record-breaking sales during BFCM. For Amazon sellers, this highlights the importance of optimizing product listings to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Properly optimized listings can significantly boost visibility, drive traffic and increase sales during this highly competitive season. In this guide, we'll explore the key strategies to help you make the most of BFCM on Amazon.

Peak season timeline

As the holiday season approaches, many Amazon sellers begin preparing for peak season well in advance. Brands start laying the groundwork as early as August, ensuring that their listings, inventory and marketing strategies are fine-tuned for the influx of shoppers. Peak season typically kicks off in October with events like Prime Day, leading into the high-traffic days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This year, the period between peak season and Christmas is shorter than usual, only 16 business days, creating an even greater sense of urgency for brands to be fully prepared.

In addition, Amazon has adjusted its inventory deadlines, setting up an October 19th deadline for third-party sellers to send their inventory to fulfillment centers and ensure their products are Prime badge-ready for BFCM. This means brands need to be proactive in managing their supply chain and optimizing their product listings to maximize visibility.

To get ready for peak season, brands typically focus on several key areas: conducting thorough keyword research to ensure their listings are easily discoverable, refining product titles and descriptions, enhancing images and content and setting up promotional strategies. They may also boost their advertising efforts, leveraging Amazon’s Sponsored Ads to capture the attention of potential customers during this competitive period. By starting early and staying ahead of deadlines, brands can position themselves for success during the busiest shopping season of the year.

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10 steps for prepping your Amazon listings for peak season

Prepping for BFCM is crucial for success as it ensures your listings are fully optimized to stand out in a crowded marketplace. By anticipating high demand and planning inventory, pricing, and promotions in advance, you can maximize sales opportunities. Early preparation allows for strategic adjustments, ensuring your brand is ready to capitalize on the busiest shopping period of the year.

1. Keyword research and optimization

Keyword optimization is critical during BFCM as it directly impacts product visibility in Amazon’s saturated marketplace. Using targeted keywords helps your listings appear in relevant search results, increasing the chances of conversions. Tools like Amazon’s Keyword Planner or using marketplace services are invaluable for identifying high-performing keywords that shoppers are likely to use during peak shopping times. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your product titles, bullet points and descriptions, but avoid overloading – maintaining readability is key. Well-placed, relevant keywords can significantly boost your listing’s ranking and drive more traffic to your products, making this a foundational step in your BFCM preparation.

2. Optimizing product titles

Crafting compelling product titles is essential for grabbing the attention of potential buyers, especially during BFCM. A strong title should be concise yet informative, integrating relevant keywords to enhance search visibility. However, it's important to avoid keyword stuffing. Titles should remain readable and make sense to the shopper. Focus on highlighting the product’s primary features and benefits within the character limit, and consider including elements like brand name, key specifications and the product’s unique selling proposition. A well-optimized title can improve click-through rates, making your product more likely to stand out.

3. Enhancing product images and videos

High-quality images are critical to converting browsers into buyers during BFCM. Professional, high-resolution images that clearly showcase your product from multiple angles can significantly increase your conversion rates. Amazon has specific product image guidelines, including image size requirements, background and format. Adhering to these is crucial for maintaining listing quality. Beyond images, adding videos that demonstrate your product’s features or show it in use can provide a competitive edge. With many shoppers making quick decisions, having compelling visuals can set your product apart and drive sales.

4. Crafting persuasive bullet points and descriptions

Your bullet points and product descriptions are your opportunity to clearly communicate the key features and benefits of your product. During BFCM, when shoppers are making quick decisions, concise and persuasive bullet points can help differentiate your product from others. Highlight the product’s unique selling points, address common customer pain points and showcase how your product solves those issues. Including social proof, like customer testimonials or ratings, can also help build trust and encourage purchases. Well-crafted content that resonates with your target audience can significantly enhance your listing’s effectiveness.

5. Optimizing your content

Rich and informative content is a powerful tool for engaging shoppers during BFCM. Enhancing your product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions and comparison charts can help convey the value of your product and make it easier for customers to make informed purchasing decisions. A+ Content, which allows for more extensive text and visual content on your product page, can be particularly effective in showcasing your brand’s unique story and product benefits. If your time is limited, enlisting the help of an outside agency to bolster your content can also be beneficial. By providing a more immersive shopping experience, optimized content can increase customer engagement and boost conversion rates during peak shopping periods.

6. Price optimization for BFCM

Dynamic pricing is essential for staying competitive during BFCM. With so many deals available, consumers are particularly price-sensitive, making it crucial to adjust your pricing strategy in real-time. Consider using Amazon’s pricing tools or third-party software to monitor competitor prices and optimize your own accordingly. Promotions, such as Lightning Deals and Coupons, can also drive sales by creating a sense of urgency. Psychological pricing tactics like charm pricing (e.g., pricing an item at $19.99 instead of $20) can influence buying decisions. Balancing competitive pricing with profitability is key to maximizing your success during BFCM.

7. Managing reviews and ratings

Positive reviews and high ratings are vital to driving sales during BFCM and throughout peak season. Shoppers often rely on reviews to make quick purchasing decisions, so having a solid base of positive feedback can make your product more attractive. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews by following up after a purchase, offering incentives or using Amazon’s Request a Review button. It’s also important to actively manage negative feedback and respond promptly and professionally to any issues raised to maintain a positive brand image. A well-managed review strategy can enhance your product’s credibility and boost sales during peak shopping periods.

8. Utilizing Amazon Sponsored Ads

Amazon Sponsored Ads are a powerful tool for increasing your product’s visibility during BFCM. There are several types of ads to consider: Sponsored Product Ads for promoting individual products, Sponsored Brand Ads for showcasing your brand and multiple products and Sponsored Display Ads for retargeting. Optimizing your ad campaigns for BFCM involves carefully selecting keywords, setting appropriate bids and monitoring performance regularly. Budget allocation is also crucial. Consider increasing your ad spend during peak times to capture more traffic. A well-executed ad strategy can significantly enhance your product’s exposure and drive sales.

9. Effective inventory management and fulfillment

Effective inventory management is crucial to avoid stockouts and missed sales opportunities during BFCM. Ensure that your stock levels are sufficient to meet increased demand by accurately forecasting and placing orders early. Decide whether to use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) based on your operational capabilities and the level of control you want over the fulfillment process. While FBA offers convenience and Prime eligibility, FBM gives you more control over the shipping process. You can also create a hybrid approach. However, by managing your inventory effectively, you can ensure that your products are available when customers are ready to buy.

10. Monitoring performance and adjusting strategies

During BFCM, it’s essential to closely monitor the performance of your product listings, ads and overall sales. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, click-through rates and return on ad spend (ROAS) should be tracked in real-time. If certain listings or ads aren’t performing as expected, be prepared to make swift adjustments to optimize your results. After BFCM, conduct a thorough analysis of what worked and what didn’t, and use these insights to refine your strategies for future campaigns. Continuous monitoring and agility in strategy execution are key to maximizing success during peak shopping periods. for your Amazon Marketplace BFCM needs

Preparing for BFCM is key to achieving a successful holiday season, and is here to help you maximize every opportunity. Our comprehensive marketplace services are designed to streamline and enhance your BFCM strategy. From strategic advertising management to content optimization and merchandising, we ensure your product listings stand out and convert more sales. Our fulfillment and logistics services include expert inventory forecasting and logistics management, helping you maintain optimal stock levels and avoid costly storage fees. Plus, our dedicated customer support team manages day-to-day account needs, ensuring your brand delivers top-tier service throughout the busy season. Contact our team today to find out more.

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